Our Company

Edge Motorsports was created in 1987 by previous owner. We purchased the company in 2020. Being a driver in this sport since I was 15 has created a passion for this sport. I have driven for over 30 years in Canada and the USA. I held the position of head tech with Edge since 2015, meaning that I inspected the vehicles to be adhering to the rules and safety precautions before competing. Now that I am semi-retired, I still love being part of the action and a great opportunity to continue being a part of it was a no brainer. Seeing as how I have now been on both sides of the blocks, I feel that I bring an important perspective to continue to support the drivers and generations to come. For some this has become a very competitive sport and, in some cases, a “profession”. Where us, at Edge Motorsports want it to continue to be a fun sport and not so complex. Supporting local fairs is important as generations to come are not quite so interested. Since Covid and pandemic restrictions, this sport is suffering to make the come back to what it used to be with driver challenges. The cost of buying, building, travelling, etc. has really deterred a lot of people. But the stands, its standing room only for the most part, people want to be out, see and enjoy activities. Our daily activities include corresponding with fairs about events, drivers about rules and always listening to all sides to try and make this sport better and lasting. At our events we have several components that make it as successful as we can.
Our entire organization is made up of over 100 years of experienced, creative and talented event professionals, EDGE MOTORSPORTS is committed to meeting all of our clients event related needs...wherever they may be.
EDGE MOTORSPORTS is a global, independently owned and operated event production firm that provides individuals, groups, committees and companies of all sizes with customized solutions to their event needs. EDGE MOTORSPORTS offers clients top-notch expertise, an unrelenting work ethic, high quality forms of entertainment and an extensive network of event related resources.
Meet "The Crew"
Don Turner - President since Nov 2020 and Head Tech with Edge since 2015.
Semi-retired driver of over 30 years in Canada and USA. Has supported all Ontario Promoters and many local fairs over the years. Continues dedication to support the sport and drivers through generations to come.
Nicole Turner - Social media, registration and administration.
Retired driver of over 30 years in Canada.
In her career has won many best decorated competitions and derbies including Toronto Skydome mini class and Woodbridge Provincial Championship 2005.
Jeff Pearse - Always seems to be involved with something automotive or music related. As a service advisor, Jeff has been around the parts industry his whole life. A side job as a DJ turned into a business opportunity and started his own company. Jeff has spent many years around the derby ring filling many shoes, we are pleased to have Jeff as our man of many hats but many will know him as the voice of Edge Motorsports.
Brooke Kennedy - Another announcer Edge Motorsports has on hand. Her father owned a former promotion company for many years and has been around demolition derby most of her life. With her compassion she continues to be involved in this sport.
Jason and Marilyn Lockwood - Jay is Chief Official and tech, Marilyn is administration, registration and photographer. Both retired drivers, Jay brings many years of experience ring side working for other promoters over the many years.
Keith and Tammie Neilson - A husband and wife team fairly new to the derby scene. They have 2 sons that have drove in derbies. Keith has mechanical experience and is part of our tech team. Tammie wears many hats as part our registration, photography and merch team.
Alyshia and Brittney Turner - Lucky for us, to have part of our family involved in this adventure. Both our daughters have grown up around the derby lifestyle and have driven in derbies themselves and enjoy being ringside. They both are part of our registration team, as well Alii enjoys selling merch and Brittney enjoys capturing your memories either by video or picture.
Bob Nolan - He is a veteran face to the derby world. Bob worked many years with another promoter, has tons of experience and is semi-retired. He helps Edge when able to do so.
Mike Stokes and Leslie - Mike, also a derby driver for many years helps with tech and ringside.
Isaac Neilson - Derby driver and part of our team doing tech and flagging.
Gord Janes - Derby driver and part of our team doing tech and flagging.
Shane and Sam Wilson - Shane, former derby driver and helps out when he can.
Cole Neilson and Georgia Reid - New to the derby scene. Learning the ropes to help expand our team throughout the province.
Shawn Lett - Has been with Edge Motorsports for over 32 years with the previous owner and continues to be part of our team when needed.
Some members of our team were camera shy!!
HUGE shout out to our team for making EDGE MOTORSPORTS successful! Your always appreciated!